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How To Do Hair Transplantation?

How To Do Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a necessary procedure especially after hair loss, and it is a problem seen not only in men but also in women. Since the mental health of individuals with hair loss deteriorates to a great extent, a large increase is observed in the number of patients treated for hair loss.
Hair transplantation is the process of transplanting hair follicles from denser regions to balding areas due to hair loss. Hair transplantation is a surgical operation performed after the areas to be treated are numbed with local anesthesia.
Hair transplantation, which is performed by experienced doctors who are experts in the field, is carried out by paying attention to hygiene conditions. With the development of modern medicine and technology, this treatment is carried out in a comfortable and safe way. Thus, patients who have hair loss problems also improve aesthetically and psychologically.
Hair transplantation is a savior solution for patients who have been suffering from hair thinning for many years to achieve the pleasant appearance they desire. In order for the process to progress comfortably, people should also feel psychologically comfortable during the treatment.

To Whom Hair Transplantation is Applied?

Hair transplantation is the most preferred aesthetic application especially by men. This treatment method, which is preferred by men as well as women experiencing hair loss, is very effective. Hair transplantation is also applied to the eyebrows, mustache and beard areas where hair loss is experienced as well as the hair area.

How to do hair transplantation?

One of the most important factors to be considered while performing hair transplantation is that the person has enough hair follicles. This method is usually carried out by using hair follicles called grafts taken from the nape.
Hair transplantation, which is known as a tissue transplant procedure in its essence, can vary according to the size of the area where shedding is experienced. Accordingly, the number of sessions varies from person to person. One of the most important details in this treatment process is that after the hair is planted in the shedding area, it quickly bleeds and begins to feed. This condition is called “hair retention”.
In order for hair transplantation to give a successful and effective result, the graft must be able to hold as much as possible. Thus, the hair area gains a natural appearance and regains its former health. This gives results only with experienced and expert doctors.
